Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greeting Brothers,
How quickly the summer has passed, here we are looking at our September 2nd Regular Meeting. Harmony has not been dark at all this summer, in fact just the opposite. Starting right after our June meeting, some of us went to support our Central District Charity Soup Kitchen at Epiphany Church in June and July. On July 13th we had our annual family picnic. Our new brothers did the cooking with the help of many others. The following weekend was the 24th Golf Tournament supporting Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Ocean State. On July 31st the officers of Harmony Lodge raised four brothers to the sublime Degree of Master Mason. This event was well attended by other Lodges and members of Harmony along with Grand Lodge officers. If you were not able to attend that night you missed great degree work done by our officers and members. We followed up with our Lectures on Aug. 14th. I am so proud of all the effort shown on both those nights, your officer line shined in the eyes of many. We will be doing the Lectures at the September 2nd meeting because one of the candidates was unable to be there that night.
On July 26th Most Worshipful Grand Master Wyman P. Hallstrom III had our State’s first outside Grand Master’s Visitation at Charity Lodge, myself and others of Harmony were pleased to attend this first of a kind event.
Fellowcraft night for Aug. was at Chelo’s on the Waterfront, like last Aug. we had a great time. Thanks to our Fellowcraft for that evening.
You may not know our Fidelity Chapter Order of DeMolay had their 90th Anniversary th
Dinner on Aug. 30 . In this day and age to see a DeMolay Chapter lasting this long should give us faith in our youth. I want to thank the boys, the Dad’s and advisors for all of their dedicated work.
I want to thank Missy Edwards for putting together Harmony adult nights this summer. In June we went to Leyden’s Vineyard for a wine tasting afternoon. On that evening, Sue Wiggins invited all that attended back to her home for a potluck meal and fellowship. September will give us two more opportunities to be together. First, Missy has sent out info about King Richard’s Fair, Sunday Sept 7th. Please call Missy before Sept 4th so she has a count. (401-884-5129). Bro. Sr. Deacon Mike Cunningham has offered his home Saturday night Sept. 13 for a pot luck dinner and movie night. Again, please contact Missy as to what you will bring before Sept 10th.
Harmony will be having a Ladies at the Table. I am still working on some details and should have all the information for the September Meeting. So gentleman save up your money, you have to pay, your Lady is our guest!
I am looking forward to seeing all of you in September.
Ed Diggle
Worshipful Master