Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greeting Brothers,
May went by quickly, but not without a lot of activity for our Lodge. On Saturday, May 10, we hosted our Spring Ladies Luncheon at Chelo’s. We enjoyed the singing of Peter Fillipi. About 30 of our ladies and special ladies were given gifts and a lucky lady at each table won the spring flower centerpiece. I want to express my thanks to my wife, Cher, and Lady Linda Ault for taking care of these details. The following weekend was the Grand Lodge Annual Ball on the 19th of May. This ends my term as Grand Junior Steward, I have been pleased to serve Most Worshipful Davis and represent Harmony #9 as we traveled around the Districts.
June will also be busy for the Lodge. Harmony’s Regular Communication for June includes our Annual Past Master’s Steak Fry on Tuesday, June 3rd at 6:30. Make sure you make your reservation if you plan to attend. If you don’t make a reservation you go to the end of the line to be served last! Worshipful Steve Charron will be joining me in the East and it will be nice seeing him do his work again. The Lodge will open at 6:30 for the transactions of business that should regularly come before it.
th On Thursday, June 26 we will be holding a Master Mason’s Degree. Your
Master and Officers have been rehearsing and working on making this night memorable for out candidates and all of you on the sidelines. Please note the date and join us. The Lodge will open at 5:00pm.
Before the degree, we will all have a chance to relax at our adult date night. The activity for June is a visit to Leyden Farm and Winery on Saturday June 21st from 1:00 to 4:00pm. Following our visit to the winery, Sue Wiggins has graciously offered her home for a potluck dinner and campfire to enjoy our fellowship. Please contact Missy Edwards for reservations at 884-5129.
Looking forward to July, our Annual Harmony Picnic will be held on Sunday, July 13th at the Masonic Youth Center at 12:00. Reservations should be made with Brother Patrick Connor. Our candidates and brothers will be doing the cooking and if you haven’t had a chance to meet our new members come and meet them at the picnic.
Get your golf clubs ready and join us on Saturday July 19th for the 24th Harmony Golf Tournament at Crystal Lake Golf Course. This year the proceeds will go to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean state. Please contact TravisSousa @ 401-368-2458 to play.
Don’t forget Father’s Day, June 15th!!
Worshipful Ed Diggle