Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greetings Brethren,
Before I get started on my message for May I want to bring your attention to some changes and updates to May and June calendars. With Grand Lodge AnnualBanquet being on the night of our Doric Board meeting, the meeting is rescheduled to Tuesday, May 27th at 7:30 pm. The Master Mason Degree scheduled for MAy has been moved to Thursday, June 26th.
Again in April HArmony #9 was very active. Saturday, April 12th, was busy for many of us. The day started out with 16 brothers getting together for breakfast before going out to visit our Special Ladies and Sick & Shut Ins. Harmony Lodge’s Jr. Warden, AlAnton, did a great job of organizing these visits which all of us enjoy attending. Thank you Al. While we were doing the visits, Brothers Mickey Torgan, Patrick Connor, our Demolay & Rainbow youth were preparing for Harmony’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt which was well attended. Thank you Mickey, Patrick and the others. The families and friends all had a great day because of your efforts. On the same night the officers of Harmony and I attended the Grand Master’s visit to Ionic Lodge. All of this was just one day in the life of our lodge. The Fellowcraft Club had a social night at the Olde Time Dinner Theater on the 16th.
I am very proud of the officers of Harmony and you should be as well. On April 24th we passed four brothers to the Degree of Fellowcraft. If you were not there, you missed great degree work. Bro. Sr. Deacon, Mike Cunningham, did an outstanding job on the Middle Chamber Lecture. Shame on you for not being in lodge to support the effort Mike put into that great lecture.
To end April we had our Annual Harmony Church Service at Warwick Central Baptist Church on Sunday, April 27th. Think about joining us next year. It is a great day of fellowship.
May is going to be just as active. Saturday, May 10th is our Special Ladies Luncheon at Chelo’s from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. The entertainer will surprise you. Please come and join our other ladies. If transportation is needed let us know when you make the reservation. That evening Harmony Lodge will be well represented when we travel to Roger Williams Lodge for the Grand Master’s visit to his Mother Lodge.
Don’t forget Mother’s Day on May 11th, and Grand Lodge Annual MAy 19th.
Worshipful Ed Diggle