Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greetings Brethren,
Here it is, April, finally!!! Hopefully spring has sprung, and at least the crocuses are up and the daffodils are close to blooming. Harmony had a great month, starting out with our Game Dinner. This is always a good time for fellowship and lots of shouting from the kitchen staff and they all work so hard putting the meal together. Our waiters get to enjoy serving our guests. The Game Dinner event is sponsored by our Fellowcraft club, but it is a full lodge effort, bringing us close together as brothers.
At our March meeting, RWDD Gary Kaufman made his visitation. All of my officers made me proud with their work. I hope, as Master, I made the rest of you proud as well. On that night we awarded three 50 year medals to Edwin Blinkhorn, Joseph DeRoches, and Henry Vandersip. We had our EA candidates present to experience their first DD visit. I hope they enjoyed the night. We had a nice full Lodge for Gary’s visit. I should also mention that that meeting was RW R David Armstrong’s last visit as DD Grand Marshall. David served MW Richard L Ault through his term and also served RW Gary Kaufman as Grand Marshall. David, you served both RW’s with honor and devotion. We know, as Masons, there is no rest, but I hope you have some time to rest now. Speaking of MW Ault, he and Lady Linda send their greetings. The MW and I made a visit to Harmonia Lodge #138 while I was in FL. It was a great night with the usual friendship and brotherly love. I presented the WM, Sr. Warden, and Jr. Warden with our Harmony#9 pins. Also, while down here, Cher and I were able to spend some time with RW Peter Icabucci and Lady Fran. We had a nice time together.
I am looking forward to April at Harmony. We will be active again with our regular meeting, the GM’s Testimonial on April 25 and our Fellowcraft Degree on April 24th.
Cher and I wish all of you God’s love on Palm Sunday, and Easter. Don’t forget Harmony’s visit to Warwick Central Baptist Church on April 27th. This event has grown in numbers each year since W Bob Kempf started going to WCBC in his year as Master. Please join us for the service at 10:15. We will meet at 9:45.
Worshipful Edward Diggle