Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greetings Brothers,
February is a short month, as we all know, but how quickly it has gone by. We
have been dealing with a pretty tough winter, but Harmony has stayed active
as we always do. Bro. Jr. Deacon Mickey Torgan has been meeting with our
four candidates working diligently on their lessons. Bro Jim Hopper, our Senior
Steward, is working with Mickey as he prepares for his 2015 class.
Adult night for the month was a entertaining trip to The Piano Bar in Providence.
Many of you enjoyed the fellowship of friends, brothers, and their ladies along
with snacks, music, and many laughs. Once again, thanks to Missy Edwards for
putting this evening together.
Worshipful Todd Derksen and the Fellowcraft Club were busy at a charitable
night out at Crossroads R I. Our brothers cooked and served pizza to our less
fortunate. We should all thank Wor. Derksen and our Fellowcraft brothers for
giving time to this worthy cause.. That night gave us a chance to show others
who Masons are. Todd, that was a great idea.
March starts out with the Bro. Henry Rossi 36th Annual Game Dinner on
Sunday, March 2 at the Cranston Portuguese Club from 1 to 5… it is a weekend
project that brings many brothers together for fun and fellowship. Call and ask
James DiBiaso what you can do to help.
At our Regular Communication, March 4, the DDGM Gary Kaufman will be
visiting. This is RW Kaufman’s official visit and RW Dave Armstrong’s last as
District Grand Marshall to our lodge. Medals for fifty tears of Harmony
membership will be presented to several Brothers. That evening, Sheriff Karen D
will be speaking about Domestic Violence and the growing concerns of our
state. Let’s fill the lodge that night.
Ed Diggle, Worshipful Master