Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greetings Brothers,
January has just gone by so quickly. I hope that all of you had a nice New Year’s Eve and the upcoming year is filled with goodness for you and your family. With the beginning February on us I want to look back for just one minute. Harmony #9 was active. On Jan 11th some members of the lodge took part in the Central District Charity event at St. Stephen’s Church Epiphany Soup Kitchen. The event was very rewarding for those who were able to attend. Regrettably, I was not able to attend that day, however our Lodge will need to man the kitchen once again before summer. That same morning Manchester Lodge held their Blood Drive which some of the members were able to attend. Of course they would be there… free food for a little blood.
Many of us look forward to our annual Cape Cod trip. This year is no different with 87 members and guests enjoying the weekend of food, friends and fellowship. How can you go wrong?
January 30th Harmony initiated 4 candidates as Entered Apprentice. These men look to be good men which we will make better men, and will be a benefit to Harmony #9. All of us have some part of a degree we like seeing, some, as the candidate first walks in, for others it is hearing them take the Oath of Obligation and bringing them to light, seeing us for the first time. As for me, it is when I received the box charge, and the snap of the cover. I want to thank my officers for a job well done. The next time you see them please take the time to also thank them. It sure would be nice to see a few more brothers on the side lines at the Fellowcraft Degree.
Come and join us for food and conversation at our February regular communication. Like I have said in the past, it is the time before and after our meetings we get to practice Masonry.
In March the District Deputy RW Gary S. Kaufman will be making his visitation to Harmony#9. Let’s fill the lodge up. That night Sheriff Karen Dellinger will be speaking about Domestic Violence. Our Big Harmony Team Event is the Game Dinner on March 2nd. We will need help on Fri. Feb. 28th, Sat March 1st, and Sun March 2nd.
Fraternally yours
Edward J. Diggle
WM Harmony Lodge #9