Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greetings Brothers,
As you read this edition of our Trestleboard, hopefully I will have been
th installed as Master of Harmony Lodge #9 in its 209 year. By now we
will have had our Annual Installation and Banquet which were both well
attended by our family, friends and brothers. I want to thank all of you
for the trust and faith you have in me and the rest of your Harmony
officers. We will all do our best to keep our lodge as strong as it is. As
we all know, Harmony is an active lodge as evidenced by the December
thcalendar dates -The Children’s Christmas Party on Dec. 7, our Ladies
thLuncheon on Dec. 14 and then the visits to our Sick and Shut in
stbrothers and ladies on Dec. 21 .
My plan is to make better use of the TV screens at meetings with
Masonic lessons or just some entertainment. Again this year we will
hold adult nights which bring us closer as brothers and friends. I ask that
anyone who wishes to travel with me and the officers to other lodges to
support them check the Trestlleboard each month for our travel and
other actives and join in.
We will be putting on three degrees this year. I encourage you to join us
on these nights to support the effort of your line officers and to observe
their work. It is also an excellent opportunity to meet potential new
In closing Cher and I want to wish all of you Happy Holidays, God’s
Blessing on you and your family.
Fraternally yours
Edward J. Diggle
WM Harmony Lodge #9