Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Family, Friends and Brethren
As my term as Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge is now winding down, and I write my last Masters message, it will be simply this; a message of thanks. First of all, I would like to thank my wife Lynn, who has put up with me and all the late nights away from home, never knowing where I was or what I was doing or who I was with, and if I was even coming home at all; and then it got much worse when I was made the Worshipful Master. Thank you Lynn, for all your understanding and support. (After all, it’s only one night a month!) To the Officers of Harmony Lodge # 9, both appointed and elected, I owe you many thanks. Several opportunities for failure have presented itself to us during this past year, to which down to a man, were politely refused by you. We have had three great Degree and lecture nights due to your hard work, perseverance, and attention to detail. And thanks to that hard work, six new members will be added to our Lodge. I can’t thank you enough, and I stand by my previous claim that I am fortunate enough to have had the best officers’ line ever. When you are asked to be the Sentinel of the Lodge, you’re told to watch and listen and learn. You are also told that you weren’t picked to be the sentinel; you were picked to be the eventual Master. So to my Master of Ceremonies Worshipful Steve Charron who put me in line, I thank you for giving me the opportunity that so few get. You always said that if it was a good year, you would say you put me in line, and if it was a bad year you would say “Who put him in line?” I hope that this year made you happy with that choice you made. There are many more that I owe a thank you too, but not enough room in this message to give properly, so I will save them for a more opportune
time. Please remember our Children’s Christmas Party December 7th, the th
Special Ladies Luncheon at Chelo’s December 14 , and please join us for our Sick and Shut-in visitation on December 21st.
Thank you for a great year!
Michael O. Dixon
W.M. Harmony Lodge # 9 F&AM