Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Family, Friends and Brethren
I cannot believe it’s almost October already. As he has always done, Worshipful Alan French sent an email to me, reminding me that he needs my Masters message a.s.a.p, and, as always, I think it can’t possibly be that time again, and yet here I am at my computer. September has been a busy month, as we have been preparing for both the Master Mason’s degree and Harmony Lodge’s Step-up night. By the time that Octobers’ Meeting is upon us, we will have raised six new Master Masons who will make great members for Harmony, after passing their MM proficiencies. I know that the officers of Harmony Lodge will once again have a great degree night, giving the candidates an experience which will stay with them throughout their lives. The October meeting will give the members a chance to see the ‘presumptive’ Master, Wishful Ed Diggle, in the East. I hope as many of you who can, will attend that night, to support Ed in his upcoming year. Please note all of the upcoming events that are listed on our calendar, in particular the Ladies at the Table Dinner which had to be moved to October 19th at 7:00 PM. For Reservations please contact Bro. Jim Hopper. And it’s never too early to start thinking about the Decembers activities which as always include the children’s Christmas party, ladies luncheon, and the sick and shut in visitations.
Thank you
Michael O. Dixon W.M. Harmony Lodge # 9 F&AM