Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Family, Friends and Brethren,
Our brief summer respite has come to an end and now we must return to the labors of our craft. We have had an exceptional break which included a large turn out to our annual picnic, and several opportunities to enjoy each other’s company and fellowship. The only thing that is different about July and August for Harmony Lodge compared to the rest of the year is that there are two less meetings. Since our last monthly communication in May, we have visited the Leyden Farm Winery thanks to the efforts of Missy Edwards and had a wonderful day of sampling wines with cheese and crackers, our annual Harmony Lodge Picnic, led by Brother Sentinel Rob Izzy with Brother Senior Steward Mickey Torgan, and an outstanding effort by the class of 2013, and of course our annual charity golf Tournament. There will be more on the Golf Tournament at the meeting.
Brother Mike Cunningham will be giving a 10 – 15 minute presentation at September’s meeting describing his recent trip to Singapore.
Some important dates to put on your calendar: On September 26th, we will be having our Master Masons Degree: Lodge opens at 5:30 PM. If you would like to be a part of it, or if you usually participate and have not been contacted as of yet, please call Brother Torgan or better yet, come to the meeting and tell him in person.
Our LAdies at the Table dinner has been moved to October 19th at 7:00 PM. For Reservations please contact Bro. Jim Hopper
Thank you
Michael O. Dixon
W.M. Harmony Lodge #9 F&AM