Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Family, Friends and Brethren
My friends, we are a busy Lodge. It has never been clearer to me than when the time for the next Master’s Message is once again due.
Besides our own events which we have had in the previous month, we had a District Charity Event, that being a Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner held at Harmony Lodge on April 27th, and driven by the Junior Wardens of the Central District. Approximately $1,000.00 has been donated to benefit the Epiphany Soup Kitchen from that effort. All of the Lodge Brothers who gave of their time deserve a big Thank You, for not only making that event the success that is was, but making it feel that it was one Lodge, not four separate Lodges, holding this event.
There was an old fashioned Hay ride, arraigned courtesy of Missy Edwards, held on April 20th. I have a picture of the event at the Lodge of two very unfortunate horses with an overflowing carriage containing way too many Mason’s. After the ride, we ate, drank, and sat around an open fire pit, just enjoying what I felt was one of the best, relaxed and most enjoyable night’s out that we have had. Thank you once again Missy.
Harmony Ladies Luncheon was held on May 11th, at the Chelo’s Restaurant on Post road in Warwick. The “sandy beach” theme centerpieces, which were designed and created by my wife Lynn, were beautiful. I cannot say thank you enough for all your help Lynn, but I know you want me to keep trying. The entertainment for our Ladies was once again provided by Jennifer Mello, who ended the afternoon by having all the guests join in with her as she sang “God Bless America”. Not a bad way to end the afternoon.
And rounding out this busy month was our Fellowcraft degree, which was highlighted by Our Senior Deacon, Brother Al Anton’s performance of the Middle Chamber lecture. As the floor General, Brother Anton really set the tone of the evening and was a delight to watch. Our Junior Deacon Mike Cunningham has done an excellent job as the instructor of the class of 2013, as well as the class itself having shown their respect for Brother Cunningham by pulling together as a team. Well done Class of 2013, well done indeed, but rest not my Brothers; your light is but partial, and your Masonic journey is far from over J.
Our May Meeting was closed by R.W. Kenneth F. Poyton, D.D.G.M. of the Central District, and as he now moves on to his next District, I invite all of the members of Harmony Lodge to join me in thanking him for a job well done. I know you will be busy and involved in your new district, but I also know that being the Man that you are, you will be always be only a phone call away. Thank you again RW.
Returning back to our Fellowcraft Degree night, I thank all the Brothers who came out to watch the degree as well as several visitors, and I would also like to again thank all of the officers of Harmony Lodge. While it is truly the Deacons night for showcasing the lessons that one of them has taught the class, while the other one walks them through the winding stairs of Masonry, all the while showcasing and reciting from memory all of our rich history, it was also truly a team effort. Once again the officers of Harmony Lodge have made their Master look good. I remind all that a Lodge is like a Pyramid, and the Master, its peak; when you stand facing the Pyramid, your eyes naturally look upwards, gazing at the peak. But take a few steps forward while gazing up at that peak and your face will be very quickly reminded what really holds that peak up
Thank you
Michael O. Dixon
W.M. Harmony Lodge # 9 F&AM