Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Family, Friends and Brethren
First of all, I would like to thank all of my Officers at Harmony Lodge for a job well done at our Entered Apprentice degrees. If you were there then you know what I mean. Our Senior Deacon Brother Al Anton was an impressive floor general, as were all of the officers and the work that was done on those two nights. On the night of the first degree, RW Kenneth Poyton was on hand. And, as the candidates were handed their Aprons and were told to wear them with pleasure and with honor to the fraternity, I swear I saw RW Poyton smile, just a little bit. (Just kidding RW, I’m glad you were there)
And speaking of RW Kenneth Poyton, I was very happy with the great turnout we had for his visitation to his Lodge as our DDGM, along with W Donald W. Dunford, WGMC. The turnout from the other Districts was impressive, and nothing can give a Master more pleasure than to see his Lodge full. And I believe we had about 16 or 17 of our own Past Masters in attendance for the visit. If that’s what it takes to get you back into your Lodge, maybe we’ll have a visit every month!
Our Game dinner was a big success, and I thank all of those who helped make it happen. I think every year we get better and better, and I hope next year we have as much fun as we did this year. As of this writing, I do not have the total of the event, but I am sure we did great. We have a Golf Tournament coming up, and hope we have as much support, if not more, for that event as well.
I would like to end this month’s Masters Message with something I thought of as I was driving home after the night of our first EA degree. The Master is the most responsible Member of his Lodge; if something goes wrong, he’s responsible. Every Master thinks that his Officers line is the best; at least I would hope they do, and rightly so. In my officer’s line, there is only one has not skipped a station. I have one officer who is only in his third year as an officer, one who is in second year, and three who are starting in their first year, with one of them being a fairly new member. They may not have as much experience as some lines in the past have had, but they more than make up for it in desire and passion. I have been told that your line can make or break you, and you need to have their full support if you want to have a good year. I am happy to report that my officers have done a most remarkable job in doing just that, and they made all of us look good that night. But after all, that’s what the best officer’s line ever is supposed to do, right?
Thank you Michael O. Dixon W.M. Harmony Lodge # 9 F&AM