Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Family, Friends and Brethren,
By the time you read this, we will have several new Entered Apprentices among our ranks, which means that we will have several new members of Harmony Lodge. Please join me in welcoming them
For the Brothers who were not at last month’s meeting, I would like to bring something to your attention. As you know, Harmony at one time had our monthly meeting’s collation catered by an outside source. This was proving to be more and more expensive. We now have a full service kitchen area, and more importantly, we have a wonderful chef in Worshipful Jesse Edwards. In my opinion, food prepared by a Mason not only tastes much better, it adds to the fellowship, as the meal is intended to do.
On that note, we are going to try to be more diligent with our reservation system. This will be a work in progress, but I will say this: when we discussed this at the meeting, it was discovered that the email address for the reservations was in error. (See what can be discovered from coming to the meeting!). We are going to try putting a permanent dinner list together, which means you will not have to call and reserve your dinner each month, but you will be responsible for it even if you do not show up.
I am very happy to tell you that we are having a DDGM Visitation at this month’s meeting, our very own R.W. Kenneth F. Poyton, who will of course be accompanied by his WGMC, W. Donald W. Dunford. I hope to see our Lodge filled with the Brethren to show our support not only for the craft, but for RW Ken’s efforts to bring Honor to Harmony. Please note that the Lodge opens at 7:00pm with Dinner at 6:00pm
th Today is February 20 , which means two things; I am 20 days late with my Master’s
message and am causing W. Alan French more gray hairs than when he was Master of Harmony, and it is the anniversary of the Station Nightclub fire. I am mentioning that tragedy because of something I saw last night which my wife had recorded for me. I worked with the brother of the DJ who was killed in that fire, so I thought my friend might be on the news. He wasn’t, but a co-worker who was at the club with the DJ, said that as the show was about to begin, He said to the DJ “I’ll see you in a minute.” That minute never came.
It is 5:35 am and I have to be in work in 10 minutes…I think I will wake up my wife, give her a kiss, and let her get mad for me waking her up an hour and a half before she has to be up… it will be the best 60 seconds I have ever spent.
Thank you Michael O. Dixon W.M. Harmony Lodge # 9 F&AM