Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Please make every effort to attend our September meeting, as we will be performing proficiencies on 9 candidates. If you have seen them in either Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft you would make the “leap of faith” that they will be signing our by-laws that evening. I am sure that if that is the case, you would personally want to welcome them into our lodge with open arms.
I wrote something on our “Facebook” page that I feel is worth repeating,
On September 8, 2012 (7PM) we will be hosting our “Ladies at the Table” event at the Lodge. We did not hold this event last year and have seen some decline in participation over the last couple of years. With your indulgence I will share with you my perspective on this evening that many of senior members may already understand. By attending this event we are honoring our Ladies and to the smallest extent, honoring our obligations. It is not about the location, the catered dinner or the wine. Frankly it doesn’t matter whether you are single or married, for the evening is dedicated to the women of Harmony Lodge collective. It is about taking a single night of the year and publically displaying our appreciation to our women that have sacrificed so much and have been supportive of our lodge over the many years. I implore you to give serious consideration as to whether or not your schedule allows for you to attend. As I told my class when I was the Junior Deacon, “I don’t have any intentions of living forever, but God willing, the brothers of Harmony will continue to make you feel like you are part of this wonderful lodge.”
On October 8, we will be holding meeting for the Doric Association at 7 PM, (dress jacket and tie), only members of the Doric Association are invited to attend.(all members of Harmony #9 are Members of the Doric Association) We commissioned a Structural Engineer and an Architect to evaluate our Lodge building. Special thanks to Glenn Josephides for locating these gentlemen to perform their respective endeavors. We anticipate that when speaking about the condition of our Lodge building that some of the brethren may become easily excited when expressing their point of view on the future of the building. I humbly request that everyone remember that the audience that you are speaking to is your brethren and it will be expected that you govern yourself accordingly.
God Bless,
WM Derksen