Jeremy Newton

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.

Brothers, Ladies and Friends of the Lodge,

I’d like to start this message by once again congratulating Worshipful Edwards on a terrific term in the East. Josh’s love for the Lodge and his brothers was evident in his actions over the past year, and his enthusiasm for the Craft provided the Lodge with a needed injection of energy and vigor. Well done Brother, I look forward to seeing where your travels take you in the future.

I would like to thank everyone who found time to attend the annual meeting and the banquet that followed. I am grateful for the trust you have all shown in me, and will strive to prove worthy of it. I feel as though I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Lady Kristin Hagen for her awe inspiring performance of our National Anthem, I know I wasn’t the only owner of glistening eyes during her rendition.

I would also like to thank Brother Rapson once again, for his years of tireless service as Treasurer. Please pay attention to the information further in the Trestleboard concerning a testimonial dinner in his honor. I hope that you all strive to attend this event, to show a worthy Brother the respect his service is due.

Moving into the upcoming year, the officers of Harmony have a full and ambitious calendar of activities. We will start the Holiday season with some old favorites, moving from the Sick and Infirmed visitation, to the Ladies Luncheon and then the children’s Christmas party. After the New Year, we will be having our Entered Apprentice degree at the end of January. Later in the year, we will be bringing back some old favorites, as well as trying a few new things, so keep your ears open for information.

As always, we are constantly looking for volunteers to assist with the planning and organizing Lodge activities. So please, volunteer on committees that interest you, and assist to the fullest extent of your cabletow. The functioning of the Lodge is a responsibility shared by us all, and it functions best when we all work together.

Happy Holidays to you all, and I look forward with great anticipation to our shared accomplishments in the upcoming year.


Jeremy Newton

Worshipful Master