Patrick M. Connor Jr.

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.

2019 – 2020

Well spring is already upon us! A time when the Great Architect of the Uni- verse allows us to enjoy nature through her various windings. So get out, take a walk with your families at Roger Williams Park, the Audubon Society of Rhode Island Nature Center, but get out and enjoy this spring season!

Harmony most recently performed our Fellowcraft Degree where our five new Brothers Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft. An excellent job with your proficiencies to the class and to Brothers Wor. Steve Reali, Brother Junior Dea- con James Lafitte and Brother Senior Steward Bill LaLiberte. To Brother Senior Deacon Jeremy Newton, a wicked impressive Middle Chambah Lectshah! (If you know Brother Newton you just heard him say that in your head and chuckled.)

We have our Grand Masters Visitation to Mt. Vernon Lodge #4 on Thurs- day, April 2nd at 7:00 pm. Brother Junior Steward Jan Zukowski has been work- ing just as hard as the Easter Bunny preparing for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Our April Regular Communi- cation will be anything butthe evening will start with our Woodridge Assembly Order of Rainbows April Fools Dinner(breakfast). During our meeting well invite the Rainbow Girls to put on their Rainbow Degree where a few Brothers will be joining the Order of Rainbowand a few other Brothers will be presented with their long awaited Rainbow dues cards. Brothers anxiously waiting for a dues cardyou dont hear that too often.

We have the D.D.G.M. Visitation to Daylight Lodge #48 on Monday, April 13th at 10:00 am. I have truly enjoyed our year with both Brothers Gil & Jason, and Id like to show them Harmonys support. Brother Junior Warden Josh Ed- wards and the Junior Wardens of the Central District have been busy planning our Central District Charity Event Food Truck Nite to benefit the Harmony Ma- sonic Angel Fund. Wor. Mike Cunninghams report on the charity was enlighten- ing. To hear how many childrens lives have already been impacted through the Harmony Masonic Angel Fund was a tremendous joy. Its such a great charity & opportunity to provide assistance to our local community children. This event promises to be fun for the entire family with a variety of food trucks, raffles, activities for kids and music!

That isnt the only thing Brother Junior Warden has been busy doingas he & lady Courtney had their daughter Jade Alexandra Edwards on March 5th. Im sure hes running on fumes. So if you see him lend a shoulder not to lean on but to sleep on. Congratulations! I love you Brother!

Our Walk in Harmony team will be out to support Brother Rob Lindbergs family at the Annual Brain Tumor Walk on Sunday, April 19th at 8:30 am at Goddard Memorial State Park. Lets show up in droves and show our support! Our Grand Masters Testimonial Dinner will be held on Satur- day, April 25th at Twelve Acres. Be sure to get your reservations into Brother Treasurer James Rapson prior to April 19th. Brother Junior Deacon James LaFitte has been organizing our Ladies of Harmony Spring Luncheon at Twin Oaks on Saturday, May 2nd at 11:30 am. This is always an en- joyable time and all Brethren and their ladies are encouraged to join us!

With this season of rebirth, I cant help to feel reinvigorated for the busy month ahead and preparing for our Master Mason Degree. Im very excited for our five Brothers who will eventually be Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Do you remember when you first got to witness a Brother going through the Third Degree? Do you want to take part in our Master Mason Degree? Ask Brother Senior Steward Bill LaLiberte how you can participate. Maybe youre one of our twelve Fellowcraft, the seafaring man or maybe even one of the gates? Taking a part in the Raising of a Brother, Wow! What a memorable experience. I gabbed long enough and Im sure Brother Senior Warden is waving his hand in a circle for me to wind downLol! Ill see you all Im sure of that, through this next month. Bright suns.

Love & Respect,

Patrick M. Connor Jr.

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.