Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Our brief summer respite has come to an end and now we must return to the labors of our craft. We have had an exceptional break which included a large turn out to our annual picnic, and several opportunities to enjoy each other’s company and fellowship.
Prior to our September meeting we will be looking to spruce up the lodge a bit. On August 28th, we will hold a work party to do some cleaning and wrap up some projects around the building. If you are available, please come down for 10 am and lend a hand.
Our first regular meeting of the season will be on September 6th, and we will be welcoming six new members to sign the by-laws of Harmony. I hope we can have a large turn out to support these candidates, who having worked diligently, are now ready to join our ranks.
I have heard much interest from many members in helping out around the Lodge, and I would encourage any member who is interested to attend the monthly Doric Board meeting on September 12th. This meeting is open to all members and there are several projects which could use a volunteer or two.
The Fellowcraft Club will also be returning from darkness with it meeting on September 21st. For our newer members, the Fellowcraft club is a smaller body within the Lodge which serves to assist the Master and promote a more casual environment for our members to meet and enjoy each others fellowship.
Looking a bit ahead, on October 1st we will be holding our annual Ladies at the Table banquet, Tickets will be $20 ea, or $35 per couple and will be available at the September meeting. This is always an excellent opportunity for the Lodge members to show their gratitude to our Ladies, and is always a great evening. We do have a limited seating capacity for this event so please make your reservations with me as soon as possible
Robert J. Kempf
Worshipful Master