Michael Cunningham
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2016 -2017
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
It is nice to be settling into a budding Rhode Island Spring and all the activities that go with it. A big thank you to Brother Senior Warden Mick Torgan for taking the reins at April’s meeting while I traveled for work. I was also very happy to receive warm feedback of David Brody’s presentation at our April communication. Dave was very complementary of our group at Harmony, and I was glad to hear that his presentation and book signing were well-received. I also would like to thank the brothers who participated in our Spring home visits to our Special Ladies and infirm brothers. This is one of the most important activities we do as Masons and your contributions are greatly appreciated. If you were unable to participate this time around, please plan to do so when the next opportunity arises.
Please plan to participate in two important events planned at the end of April. Our Spring Ladies Luncheon and the walk for autism awareness will be held on Saturday April 29 and Sunday April 30, respectively. Please see advertisements herein for more details. We will try a new venue for our Ladies luncheon and are looking forward to the menu offered by Ralph’s Catering. Robert Black will also join us to provide musical favorites by Frank Sinatra, Elvis and Johnny Cash, so I hope you will plan to participate. We are also looking forward to presenting our Special Ladies in attendance with a special gift, which will be revealed during the event.
At the May monthly meeting, the Doric board of directors will provide a recommendation for the building project, which will ultimately be ratified by Lodge membership at the September communication. Please plan to attend this important meeting. Time will be provided to discuss the project, as well as to answer questions that members may have. If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like a summary of the project recommendations, please contact me directly and I will happily make time to discuss the project, and/or provide a copy of the presentation that will be made at the May meeting.
Plans are in place for an ancient Masonic feast to be held on Saturday May 6, at the Anawan Club in Seekonk, MA. It will include a fixed multi-course dinner with ribeye steak as the entrée. Tickets are $50 per person and are in very limited supply due to space constraints at the venue. Tickets are available on a first-come first-served basis by contacting Brother Junior Deacon David Desplaines, and reservations will be secured by pre-payment. The deadline for participating is Friday April 28. R.: W.: Rick Lynch will provide a never-previously-presented program that evening; I hope you will plan to attend.
The Central Masonic district will be holding a comedy night by “Funny4Funds” on Saturday May 13 at Harmony Lodge in order to raise funds for Nicholas Cioe, a 12-year old special needs boy who requires a specialized wheelchair to assist in his mobility. Brother Junior Warden Rob Izzi is coordinating this event with the other Lodges of the Central Masonic district, and it is hoped you will actively support this event. Further details are provided herein.
Please plan to attend Harmony’s annual church service, which will be held on Sunday May 21 at Warwick Central Baptist church at 10:15am. Several members of our extended Masonic family are members of this church and this annual event is always enjoyed by all who attend. Harmony will sponsor a light collation following the service so I hope you will plan to join us. Harmony Lodge will raise our candidate class to the sublime degree of Master Mason on Saturday June 3. As always, there are opportunities for brothers to actively participate in the degree. A reminder to those who would like to participate that your ritual proficiency must be demonstrated to the Assistant Grand Lecturer during a planned rehearsal (please see rehearsal schedule for details). As every Master Mason can attest, a well-planned and executed degree can instill a long lasting impression on the candidates, so please plan to participate as you are able.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that I have confirmed with the Epiphany Soup Kitchen in Providence (St. Stephen’s church) that Harmony Lodge will purchase the weekly meal (on Saturday June 17) that this organization provides to the homeless of Providence. Approximately 10 Harmony Lodge volunteers will also be needed to assist in serving this meal, and those who have participated in the past can attest to the importance this organization brings to the needy in RI. Further details will be forthcoming, but please reach out to me or any of your officers for more information.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Michael A. Cunningham
Worshipful Master