Michael Cunningham
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2016 -2017
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
I would like to start this month’s message by congratulating all of the 25, 50 and 60 year Harmony Lodge service recipients, particularly those who were able to attend March’s meeting, which included our annual DDGM visitation by R.: W.: Doug Grant. It was a very special evening, made even more so by the large number of brothers on the sidelines in attendance. Thank you for your continued service to the Craft. Special thanks to Brother Jamie Hainsworth, as well, who gave an informative presentation of the US Marshals Service. A few photos of the evening are included herein.
Thanks to all who participated in another successful game dinner. Despite the hard work preparing and serving close to 400 meals, this event has always been an enjoyable weekend, and this year was no exception. I was particularly encouraged by the participation of the candidate class, and by the time of printing of this message, I am sure they will have successfully been passed to the degree of Fellowcraft as they continue their initiation into our fraternity.
April will be another busy month for Harmony Lodge. Work business requires me to be in San Francisco during our monthly communication, so I hope you will attend Lodge and support Brother Senior Warden Mick Torgan as he capably runs our April meeting. A reminder that author David Brody, will give a presentation on his latest book “Echoes of Atlantis: Crones, Templars and the Lost Continent”, and will also hold a book signing after the meeting. In addition, please refer to several notices in this issue of the Trestleboard for information on home visits to our Special Ladies and infirm brothers (Saturday April 1), our Spring Ladies luncheon to be held on Saturday April 29, and our children’s Easter party to be held Saturday April 15. In addition, Harmony Lodge will make an official visitation to Fidelity Chapter, Order of DeMolay on Wednesday April 12 at 730pm. Please plan to participate, a light collation will be provided after the meeting.
Please note that dues for 2017 are past due. For those who have not yet paid dues for the year, please do so as soon as possible or alternatively, please contact the Master or one of your Wardens to discuss alternative arrangements. Several activities are planned over the next few months but the lack of a current dues card may jeopardize the ability to participate.
Looking forward, an ancient Masonic feast will be held on Saturday May 6, at the Anawan Club in Rehoboth, MA. It will include a fixed multi-course dinner with ribeye steak as the entrée. Tickets are $50 per person and are in very limited supply due to space constraints at the venue. Tickets will be sold at April’s meeting by Brother Junior Deacon David Desplaines, and reservations will be secured by pre-payment only. Please plan accordingly.
Harmony’s annual church service attendance will be held on Sunday May 21 at Warwick Central Baptist church at 10am. Several members of our extended Masonic family are members of this church and this annual event is always enjoyed by all who attend. Please plan to join us.
Finally, I am pleased to report that the Doric Board is still on schedule to provide a recommendation on the building project at the May monthly communication, with a vote by the full membership planned for the September meeting. This timing will give ample opportunity to the membership to discuss ideas and/or concerns about proposed plans, so please take an active role in helping to determine the direction of the Lodge building project. Every member of the board will be happy to engage in constructive discussions before a vote is held in the Fall.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Michael A. Cunningham
Worshipful Master