Michael Cunningham
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2016 -2017
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
As I write this month’s message during another snow storm inFebruary, it warms me to be able to announce that Harmony Lodge successfully initiated four candidates to the Craft. Congratulations to Brothers Jose Gonzalez, Jeremy Newton, Bill Laliberte and Thomas Drumm on beginning your Masonic journeys. I wish you all the best as you progress through your Masonic education under the tutelage of your instructor, Junior Deacon David Desplaines. We look forward to observing your proficiency in the Entered Apprentice degree on Saturday March 18, just prior to conferring the Fellowcraft degree upon you.
At our monthly communication on Tuesday March 7, Harmony Lodge will welcome R.: W.: Douglas Grant, District Deputy for the Central Masonic District for his official visitation. We will also award 25, 50 and 60 year Masonic service medals and certificates to many worthy Brothers. This will be a personal highlight for me in my term as Master of the Lodge and I hope you join me in celebrating these significant Masonic milestones. Please refer to the list of eligible service award recipients listed herein. Jamie Hainsworth from the US Marshals office will provide the program for the evening. Please note the 7pm start time for this meeting (dinner at 6pm).
Please plan to participate in the game dinner that will occur over the weekend of March 3rd to 5th. In addition to conducting the event on Sunday March 5th, several volunteers are also needed on Friday evening and Saturday morning to help prepare for Sunday’s festivities. All assistance, no matter how modest or extensive, will be greatly appreciated to ensure that the Lodge has another successful event. Please feel free to contact me or any of your other officers for additional information.
A few additional reminders: Harmony’s Travel Club will attend the Grand Master’s visitation to Manchester Lodge on Friday March 10 (7pm). Please plan to participate – Harmony has been very well-represented recently at various visitations and it is a great source of pride being able to show up to Masonic activities with our Lodge members out in full force! Plans are in progress for an ancient Masonic feast on Saturday May 6th at the Anawan club in Rehoboth, MA. R.: W.: Rick Lynch will provide a new program that evening and will be one not to be missed. Additional details will be forthcoming but please mark your calendars now – tickets will be limited. Last but certainly not least, congratulations to W.: Jesse Edwards on being elected President of the Fellowcraft club. We are looking forward to working together to organize a few social events once the weather becomes more agreeable. As always, please plan to participate in organizing and/or participating in these events, which do not occur without the support of the membership.
Looking forward to April, David Brody, author of “Thief on the Cross” and “Cabal of the Westford Night”, popular fiction books loosely based on “Templars in America” themes, will give a presentation on his latest book “Echoes of Atlantis: Crones, Templars and the Lost Continent”. A book signing will also be held after the meeting. In addition, our Spring home visits to our Special Ladies, as well as to our sick and infirm brothers will be held on Saturday April 1st. Our Spring Ladies Luncheon will be held on Saturday April 29th at the Santa Maria di Prata Society in Cranston, catered by Ralph’s Catering. Additional details of this event can be found herein. I hope you will plan to participate in these activities.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Michael A. Cunningham
Worshipful Master