Michael Cunningham
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2016 -2017
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
Harmony Lodge continues to be busy and active, and I do not think we would have it any other way! An update on the building project was provided during the Doric Association annual meeting at our January communication. The Board is working towards a May 2017 target date to be able to make a project recommendation. Doric board discussions currently ongoing (third Monday evening of every month) are actively discussing project options so I encourage all members with comments or suggestions to attend these meetings. Lodge membership will ultimately vote on any provided recommendations.
I hope you will join your officers and me at our meeting in February. Several officers from Bristol Lodge (North Attleboro, MA) will join us at our February monthly communication. For the evening’s program, they will demonstrate a full-form Massachusetts lodge opening, and will also provide their background history on being a Masonic Lodge chartered by Paul Revere. They will also provide information on a unique charitable organization with which they are affiliated, the Angel fund, and Harmony will be making a monetary donation to this cause. This will be an interesting evening, and one not to be missed!
As a reminder, the Fellowcraft club will be coordinating social activities for the Lodge and its extended family for this Masonic year. More active participation by Lodge members is necessary to ensure that this commitment is met. In addition, the annual game dinner is merely weeks away (weekend of March 3-5) so please plan to participate. For members wanting to get involved but not sure how to do so, please feel free to speak to me or any of your officers for suggestions and encouragement. It has been said many times that our success is based on the contribution our members continue to make.
As this trestle board issue will likely be delivered prior to this date, another reminder that Harmony will participate in Manchester Lodge’s blood drive on Saturday January 28 (730- 1030am). Please plan to attend, even if only for the fellowship amongst our extended Masonic family. Breakfast will be complementary to blood donors (a nominal charge for all others).
The travel club will be attending the Grand Master’s visitation to Mount Vernon Lodge on Thursday February 2nd. This is M.:W.: McGuire’s mother lodge so I am sure it will be a memorable evening. If you would like to coordinate transportation and/or make plans to have dinner together, please refer to the Harmony Lodge Facebook page. The getaway weekend will also occur President’s Day weekend (February 17-19). There may be some spots still available for late reservations so please contact W.: Jesse Edwards if you are interested in participating.
Looking forward to March, please plan to attend the monthly communication. Not only will it be R.:W.: Doug Grant’s district deputy visitation to Harmony, but it will also be an evening where we celebrate 25, 50, 60 and 70 year service awards presented to several members of the Lodge. The meeting’s program will also include a presentation by the US Marshals Service and I am anticipating an enjoyable evening. It is likely that Harmony will also have some newly initiated entered apprentices amongst our ranks in time for this meeting, and it is hoped that they will plan to join us as well.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Michael A. Cunningham
Worshipful Master