Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
After a very busy December with several Lodge activities, I hope that you and yours have been able to relax and enjoy time with family during the holiday season. It was great to see so many people attend all the various Christmas events, and it really was heartwarming to see so many brothers, friends and family participate. While putting these events together takes considerable effort, it really is rewarding work when it is obvious that our Masonic family enjoys spending time together.
As we move into 2017, there are several upcoming activities that are described in this issue of the Trestleboard. Of note, an Entered Apprentice degree will be held for on Saturday January 21 at 9am. Please note the date change to accommodate the availability of all 5 candidates. If any brothers would like to participate in the degree, please let me know by the January meeting. Please note that any participants will need to demonstrate ritual proficiency to the Assistant Grand Lecturer prior to the degree date.
Following the degree, the Lodge will hold lunch for the candidates and their families, and it is hoped members of Harmony and their families will participate as well. This will be a great opportunity to introduce our new candidates to our extended Masonic family, and allow for discussions of what they can expect as they are introduced to the Craft. Your participation in the degree will make the candidates’ experiences that much more fulfilling.
The January communication will include the annual meeting of the Doric Association. In addition to communicating the annual reports, an update on the building project will be provided. It is hoped that a project recommendation can be made in the next few months, so please plan to participate in this meeting.
Please note that initial deposits (50%) for the getaway weekend (Feb 17-19) are due at the January meeting. Details of the event are stated herein but this is always an enjoyable social weekend to help break up the monotony of winter. As usual, a Yankee swap will occur after dinner on Saturday evening, and this year’s Friday night movie will be Slapshot (Paul Newman’s best work in my humble opinion!). W.: Jesse Edwards will be happy to take your reservation, and please remember to include your Saturday dinner food choice.
A few final reminders: please remember that the charge for dinner will increase to $10 starting with January’s meeting to help offset dinner costs. Meeting on the Level will take place on Tuesday January 10 (7pm) for anyone wishing to speak with any or all of Harmony’s officers in an informal setting. The travel club will be attending a Fellowcraft degree at St. Johns’ #1P on Wednesday January 18 (630pm).
Harmony will also participate in Manchester Lodge’s blood drive on Saturday January 28 (7:30-10:30 am). Not only will breakfast be complementary to each donor, but Harmony needs your donation to secure our bragging rights for the friendly wager amongst all lodges in the Central Masonic district (the lodge giving the most donations will be hosted to a social evening at a later date). Please plan to attend!
I would like to make one request to Harmony’s Special Ladies. In planning for our Christmas events, a postcard was mailed to all Special Ladies, and a follow-up phone call was made to secure reservations. If you did not receive a call, it is likely that the Lodge does not have your updated telephone number. Pleases contact the Lodge secretary with your telephone number if you would like to be contacted for future events. The Lodge always enjoys our events that much more when we are in your company.
Finally, as we individually and collectively set New Year’s resolutions, please think about how the Lodge can be included in those plans. Our success depends on the contributions Harmony’s members make, and an active membership makes for a strong lodge. The success of Harmony’s annual banquet and Christmas events we enjoyed this year are a testament to this, and I look forward to what our collective path holds for us.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Michael A. Cunningham
Worshipful Master