Jesse H. Edwards III
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Well my brothers it’s the middle of May as I write this and three wonderful things happened yesterday the 17th of May.
First our brothers Most Worshipful Richard Ault and Right Worshipful David Armstrong completed their travels through the Grand line. Job well done!!! It’s time for you both to come home now and put your feet up for a while and then we will find something to keep you both busy.
Second my younger son Josh turned 21. I’m not sure where the last twenty one years have gone or how Josh who has little fear and even less common sense has managed to survive this long. Josh is planning on a military career and I pray some drill sergeant in Fort Benning will instill a little of both in him.
Third, IT’S A BOY!! My daughter Erin went for a sonogram and found out the sex of our grandchild that she will give us in October, a definite future Demolay boy.
Okay back to business, on the first of June we will be having our annual steak fry. Reservations are a must for we will order steaks and sides by the number of reservations that we have. Don’t forget your steak knives. On June 11th our very own Fidelity Demolay boys will be hosting an awards dinner, please come support these young men. On the 12thwe will be holding our fellow craft degree with lunch at 1:00pm and opening and degree at 2:00pm with a family dinner at 5:00pm.With fellow craft on the 16th and date night on the 26th June rounds out to be another very busy but fun month.
To let you know is advance Harmony Lodge #38 of Hillsboro NH has asked us if we would like to share some fellowship with them. They have invited us to attend their Feast for Adam’s Rib which is similar to our ladies at the table on the 31st of July. We would like to consider this as a possible date weekend instead of date night since it is only two hour drive away. We could leave Friday night and stay at a hotel and spend the day Saturday sightseeing and then attend the dinner at night. Details are being worked out and we will spread the details to anyone who is interested.
In closing I would like to apologize again to those brothers who came out on May 11thfor the special communication that had to be rescheduled. Once a new firm date has been agreed upon you will all receive a new notification.
As always may god bless you and keep you till we are together again.
Jesse H. Edwards III