Jesse H. Edwards III
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Hello Brothers,
Well it’s October already and I hope this finds you all well. As I write this we are preparing for the Master Mason degree, it will be an extreme pleasure to raise my son Jesse and the other Fellowcraft on September 23.
I look forward to the great job that the officers will do for this degree. All of our important dates for October are listed on the calendar, so between game night, visitations and trestle board there is always something to do at Harmony Lodge.
The Annual Halloween dance will be held on October 23rd, tickets are $10.00 pp and can be purchased from the officers of Harmony. Please, Please, Please!!! Make reservations or purchase tickets from any officer or call me at home (401) 884-5129. We need accurate counts to make ample food and proper planning of these events.
As always we send our love and prayers to all of our special ladies and again remind you that you are always invited to all Harmony events.
In closing, may god bless you and all your families till we are to- gather again.
Jesse H. Edwards III