Al Anton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Hello Brothers,
The fall is just about here. The summer is great but right about now I am happy I live in New England so I can enjoy the change from hot to temperatures that are not so oppressive. The same can be said about my electric bill. I don’t recall it ever being so high. Speaking of temperatures, today it was perfect as it was the day of the light house cruise. It was touch and go there for a while with clouds and rain in the morning and a forecast of possible thunder storms through out the day. However, by the time we set out, the bad weather had cleared and comfortable temperatures prevailedwithbeautifulblueskies. Ourhostdidagreatjobpointing out the light houses and the history behind each one as well as a few other land marks along the way. By the time we made it to the Newport area everyone was out enjoying the day. Those of you that did not or could not come really missed a great day for site seeing and fellowship.
Moving on to more of a business side of discussions. I and my officers will be having a visitation at Fidelity Chapter on October 12th at 7:30. If you have been following my master’s messages this year, you are aware that I am a big proponent of supporting the Demolay Boys and Rainbow girls. This visitation is not limited to Harmony Officers but to all members. The boys and girls are the potential future of our fraternity so come out and support them.
Our monthly meeting in October should be interesting as it is step up night. Come out and support Mike at his first experience of sitting in the East. Our candidates are also slated to do their proficiencies and sign the bylaws.
Lastly our Annual JDRF walk is coming up on October 16th. If you would like to make a donation or walk for JDRF please see our Harmony 9 Web site. Every year Harmony comes up big to support Jill’s team. Let’s keep it going.
Until Next Time
God Bless
Al Anton Worshipful Master