Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Brethren and friends,
How quickly the time has slipped by, and as we enter the last few weeks of this term, I feel I am blessed with the many memories I have gained during my time serving this Lodge. Having been an officer of Harmony Lodge, has truly been an experience that shaped my life and perspective. I would like to thank you all for that great honor.
There is much still to do this month. On the 1st we will have our regular monthly meeting, followed by our annual Halloween Party on Nov 5th. Each year I am amazed by the effort and dedication of Worshipfuls Kurtz and Ogilvie, as they offer their time and imagination to spook up the Lodge. Please contact Wor. Ogilvie with your reservations, so they may plan refreshments accordingly. He can be reached at 954-8334, jogilthorp@yahoo.com, or through the Harmony Facebook page. The cost for the night will be $10, and as always is B.Y.O.B.
On the 15th of November, harmony will hold its Annual Communication, with the Lodge opening at 5PM sharp. Following the business meeting we will break for dinner, which will be followed by the Semi Public Installation of our new Officers Line. Wor. Jesse Edwards will be taking reservations for dinner, please contact him at 884-5129. As dinner for the annual typically sells out, I would encourage you to please make your reservations early.
The Grand Master’s Visitation to the East Bay District will be held at Washington Lodge #3 on Nov. 8th, and for all those who would like to travel together, the officers will be meeting at 5:30 that evening at our Lodge. Grand Lodge will be holding its Semi-Annual communication on Saturday, Nov 19th at Freemasons Hall in East Providence, followed by its annual Fall Festival that evening.
Finally on the 26th of November Harmony will host its annual Banquet at the Shrine Imperial Room. Please Contact Bro. Jim Hopper with your reservations for this event, which I am certain will be a night to remember.
In closing my brethren, my friends, I would like to thank you all once more, for the memories past; for the memories to come; for your trust and confidence; for the honor you have given me; and most importantly for the privilege of calling Harmony Lodge my home.
Robert Kempf Worshipful Master
“The road,’ wrote Cervantes, ‘is always better than the inn.’ Those who settle on fame or fortune, and having arrived, call it quits, miss the whole point of life. Realistically, there is no inn, no ultimate point of arrival. It is the road now and forever, finite man probing infinity, finding his way, endlessly. All that matters are the lessons learned along the way.”
Leonard E. Read