Jesse H. Edwards III
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Well brothers it is November already, it’s hard to believe that a year has gone so quickly for me. It has been quite a roller coaster ride, like the song says “Life is not the breath you take but the moments that take your breath away”.
This time last year I was afraid we would lose my father to a stroke but thankfully he is still with us and has made a recovery that is nothing short of a miracle. The doctor’s told us 80% of people who have this type of bleed usually never recover.
My eldest son Jesse is now a Master Mason, raising him took my breath away nearly as much as the first time I held him. Having both my son and father in lodge last month was a gift I never thought to receive or even took notice of until Wor. Charron pointed it out, thank you Steve.
As you read this our son Joshua is preparing to leave for basic training on November 8th and like millions of fathers before me I look forward to this event with a mix of pride and absolute terror. I know he will excel and make a new great life for himself while serving our country. Please keep him in your prayers.
Speaking of new life our daughter Erin is at the hospital awaiting the birth of our first grandson Matthew. I cannot wait to meet him which may explain why I am writing this at
1:00am!! I hope his father teaches him to work on cars and all the guy stuff. I am going to teach him that revolving doors are much more fun if you go all the way around! Also you don’t have to stand and stare at the doors in an elevator, it’s much more fun to stare at the back wall or at people facing the door, try it you will enjoy life more.
Another moment that took my breath away was when Brother Bobby Wiggins received his new liver last week. He is recovering nicely and while it will be a long road to recovery I plan to travel with him and hope to have him able to make mischief with me for many years to come.
To my fellow officers, thank you for your support and service this past year. I’ve said it many times that I serve with some of the best men I’ve ever known and I pray you continue to work well together and serve the lodge as well as you have this year. May god keep you and watch over you and yours.
Well my brothers in closing, I thank you and as I said in my message from the west ,I hope I’ve been a good steward of the tools my predecessors have given me. I may not have always been the best but I al- ways gave my best.
God Bless and keep you all,
Jesse H. Edwards III