Al Anton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Hello Brothers,
Last month did I say spring is finally here? Well you could have fooled me. These past couple of weeks the weather has been a bit raw. Then there are our friendly snow birds who like to post the temperatures where they are just to pour salt into the wounds (just kidding). I hope to see all you snow birds any time now.
Our work continues with the lodge. For a 2nd month in a row we had a Grand Lodge visitation during our monthly meeting. This time it was from the Most Worshipful Raymond E. Hassel and his illustrious suite. Once again it was a pleasure and an honor to greet him on the level. I hope he enjoyed being with us as much as I enjoyed his presence and support. For entertainment that evening we had the Rainbow Girls from Woodridge and East Greenwich Assemblies do a fun degree. If you have never seen this before, it is what the degree implies, fun, although it is probably more fun for those watching than those participating. I don’t want to spoil it by giving away everything that happens but let’s just say it involves a lot of skipping. I can’t believe how much skipping there is! The participants were myself and the officers line. Thank you brothers for having a good enough sense of humor to volunteer wink wink, to join me in this. Of coarse I also would like to thank the Rainbow Girls for putting on the degree. I know they had a good time. While we are on the subject of the Rainbow girls, this years district charity event is going to be for their Supreme Assembly Session for the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. There will be girls and adults attending from all over the United States as well as around the world. For details of this see the events page.
For those of you that could not make it to the pot luck dinner and games night this month you missed some good eats and a great time. There were a variety of games played there such as Cribbage, Clue, Uno and
Parcheesi. There was even a pie face game there for those that wanted to live life on the wild side. I must admit I was a little tempted to play that one but ultimately opted out. The thought of having a sticky face was not very appealing to me.
Coming up next month will be the Sick and Shut In Visitations on May 14th and a Ladies Luncheon on the 21st. Both events are at the heart of what we do as masons so those who can, please come out and support our efforts. I believe you will find them personally rewarding to you.
That wraps it up for me this month.
God Bless,
Al Anton WM