Al Anton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Hello Brothers,
Spring is finally here! This past winter wasn’t too bad compared to last
year. This past month has been busy as usual. First off we had an Entered Apprentice degree for 6 candidates on February 9th and Lectures on the 16th. Despite a few bumps in the road to getting it done, the degree went well. Thank you to everyone who showed up to support us and welcome our new brothers. Especially those who filled in and took on additional responsibilities to help make this happen.
RW Bob Palazzo was here at our March meeting for his DDGM
visitation. It was a pleasure to greet him on the level. During the meeting we had the honor of watching and congratulating brother John E. Bradshaw lll receiving his 50 year metal. Thank you for your service brother! For entertainment that night we where treated by a presentation from Jeff ParkeraDeMolayBoyfromPhenixChapterinMA.whofilledin lastminute for our state master counselor Michael Palmer. He did an awesome job despite the last minute request. DeMolay clearly has had an influence on his life building his confidence and ability to speak publicly. DeMolay has a special place in my heart as being a father of a DeMolay boy is how I came to know the brothers of our lodge, a better understanding of what Freemasonry is all about and ultimately a mason myself.
The Fellow Craft Club had their yearly game dinner on March 6th. As usual it was a success serving about 368 people. Quite the undertaking and a boat load of work. Thank you every one for their diligent work. A special thanks to W Todd Derksen who informed us that this will be his last year doing the dinner. Todd has been working the dinners for the past 10 years (his entire time as a mason) and run the event the past few
years. Unfortunately for us, he will be moving out of state. Thank you so much Todd for your years of service to the Fellow Craft Club and equally so for your service to the lodge and Freemasonry in general.
Coming up in April we have another visitation, this time from our MWGM. All hands on deck! Everyone who can make it please be there to greet our Grand Master! The entertainment for that evening will be the Rainbow girls doing the fun degree. To find out what the fun is all
about, show up and see for yourself.
Several events are coming up over the next few months some soon – Pot luck dinner and game night on April 9th – and others further down the road such as: a vineyard tour and ladies luncheon in May, camping weekend in June, Harmony Lodge Picnic and Charity Golf Tournament in July, Light house cruise in in September, Ladies at the table and Halloween Party in October. Please see the event page for further details.
That is all for now, until next time. God Bless,
Al Anton WM