Robert J. Kempf
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Brethren and Friends,
I hope all of you have had a happy holiday season. I have been completely amazed by the support and effort put forth by everyone as we accomplished so much during those busy months of November and December. A new year is upon us and I can only believe that the enthusiasm and commitment I have seen from Harmony will continue on throughout the term.
In the coming month we will be initiating several new candidates, good men with only the slightest insight of what our craft has to offer them, or more importantly what they have to offer the craft. With this thought in mind, I look to those of you on the sidelines to offer some of your time. Brother Jason Gail will be running the classes this year, and I have the utmost faith that he will teach these men to be proficient in our work, but as we all know that is only the beginning. We have eleven candidates in this class, and I am looking for eleven or more volunteers, to each single out a candidate and offer him your counsel, your experiences, your thoughts on masonry. Not just to help them with the work of a candidate, but to gain an understanding of what we do, and why.
For those planning on attending dinner before the meeting this month, please take a few moments to either call Steve Reali or make a reservation on the Harmony website. It has become increasingly more difficult to plan for dinners, and because of this the dinner cost will be $10 for those who have not made reservations. For those of you who would like to be on a “permanent” dinner list, we will be offering a dinner club. The cost for the remainder of this year will be $40, and includes dinner at all regular meetings through June, including the June steak fry and March District Deputy Visit dinner. A new dinner club will begin each September and will include all regular meeting meals for that year. This will be the only “permanent” dinner list. Please see either myself or one of the Stewards to join the dinner club.
Finally, please remember that deposits are due at the January meeting for anyone planning to join us this February at our annual Cape Cod get-away weekend. Wor. Steve Charron will once again be running this event, and I am certain it will be a fantastic weekend as always, although I have retired as the Friday night chef. Please see contact steve for any further information, or to offer your assistance.
Robert J. Kempf
Worshipful Master