Robert J. Kempf
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Brethren and Friends,
We have much to look forward to this February. Right Wor. Peter Iacobucci will be making his official visit to Ionic Lodge on Saturday the 12th, I hope to have a good showing from Harmony for this night. We will leave from our Lodge around 6:00 pm for any who would like to join us.
On the 18th we will be making our annual trek out to Cape Cod for our weekend Getaway. If you have not yet put in your reservations with Wor. Steve Charron, please do so as soon as possible. This year has some changes, which promise to make the weekend better than ever.
We also have 12 new candidates working their degrees this year. Several brothers have answered the call to help mentor these new Ma- sons one on one, outside of the normal routine, but we could use a few more volunteers. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out a new brother.
As always I will be available at the Lodge office every Monday Night if you would like to stop in or call.
Being such a short month, its only fitting to look ahead a little into March. Yes, its almost game dinner time again. We will once again be returning to the Cranston Portuguese Club on March 6th. Prep will be Friday the 4th at the lodge and Saturday the 5th at the Portuguese Club. This event takes an incredible amount of work to pull off, and if you are willing to lend a hand please contact Wor. Carmine Depetrillo.
On a final, and much more somber note, the death of one of our own. In a Lodge of the size of Harmony its not uncommon for several Brothers to pass in any month, we are all called home at our appointed time. Rarely though, is that calling under such tragic circumstances.
Bro. Larry D’Arezzo passed on January 5th, he was 26 years old. He was due to be married in the fall, and leaves behind two young children, Eva who is 6 and Mason who is 2.
Close to thirty members of Harmony attended the masonic service, a show of support for his family which made me feel intensely proud to call myself a Mason, and even more so a member of Harmony Lodge.
In memory of Brother D’Arezzo, and in support of his children, I have decided to change this month’s charity donation to the Larry D’Arezzo Memorial fund. In addition to our normal amount, we will add 100% of the charity envelopes mailed in to this donation.
Robert J. Kempf
Worshipful Master