







Edward J. Diggle

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.


Here we are coming up on January, December was busy as always. My first
night in the east was an honor. At the first sound of the gavel I was sure
nervous, however looking out at all of my brothers knowing they were there to
support me and the lodge I became relaxed and down to work.
December started with our children’s Christmas Party. I want to thank Patrick
Connor for his work on putting this together. His elves were there to support
him to make this another success. While the party was going on Bro. Mike
Cunningham and the class of 2013 aided the people from CHIPS. We had 14
children take part in the sign up. Mike thank you to your class thanks, this is a
valuable program that protects our children. Of course, Santa came and
greeted the kids and passed out his gifts. I just don’t know how he has the time
at this time of the year.
On December 14th Harmony hosted our ladies at Chelo’s again Bro. Mike
Cunningham headed up this dinner for the ladies. I also want to thank my
stewards Sr. Steward James Hopper and Jr. Steward Robert Izzi for being the
greeters. Thanks you to my wonderful, wonderful, wonderful wife Cher for
arranging the gifts and center pieces. (Get it Mike) Jennifer Mello provided
song and fun for the ladies.
On December 21st many of our brothers visited our ladies and sick and shut in
brothers. Jr. Warden Al Anton did a great job looking up some of our brothers
that may have been missed in the past. My thanks go out to Al and all of the
members of Harmony that made the time to do these visits.
th January will also be busy. Our regular meeting on Jan 7 then we travel to the
Cape on Jan 17-19 which is always fun. Don’t forget that your final payment is
th due at the Jan 7 meeting. W Steve Charron will be glad to take the checks. At
the end of Jan we will have our EA Degree for the new class.
Cher and I wish that all of you had time to spend with your family during this
Christmas season and all have a Happy and Joyful New Year.

Fraternally yours
Edward J. Diggle
WM Harmony Lodge #9