Todd Derksen

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.



Greetings from “the East”, as I write this month’s communication, it’s surprising to me how challenging it has become to keep in line with a standard that was set by myself. Don’t let the Master’s Message become an exercise in redundancy of our monthly calendar and Never discuss the seasonal weather.

As I told the brethren at our March meeting, I (and the rest of our Officers) have been running ever since we were handed the reins of running the lodge. Looking back at the last 30 days, we had a Grand Master visitation, a District Charity Dinner, Cape Cod Get-away, and muscled through (3) Entered Apprentice in

8 days, cooked for 385 folks at the game dinner and moved into a District Deputy Grand Master visitation Phew!

Throughout out everything that has been going on, it has been my pleasure to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with a strong representation of the brethren of Harmony and that has made all the difference in the world. We try to host a variety of events, in order to appeal to a broader base of individuals, encouraging more participation in their mother lodge. Looking at the direction that the lodge is facing continues to both impress me and humble myself to know that I had a brief opportunity to associate myself with an iconic lodge as their leader.

April 7th we will put our focus where it belongs, internally on our families. The brethren will meet at Scramblers up the street from the lodge @ 8 AM, go do our visitations and meet back at the lodge for a light lunch and have our Easter Egg Hunt. This is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen our bounds of brotherhood. Please, please get used to going to our website on a regular basis to stay up-to- date on the details and if we have to make adjustments it makes sense to go to a central location @

On Sunday, April 22nd  we will be attending Our Harmony Lodge Annual Church Service at Warwick Central Baptist Church, 3270 Post Road, Warwick @ 10:30 AM. This year I would like to extend an invitation to the wives to join us, after the service we will meet with the congregation for a light collation. Brothers jacket and tie are required (aprons will be provided), officers bring your apron and collar (No Tux).

May 12th is our Spring Special Ladies Luncheon at Chelo’s, 2225 Post Road Warwick. The wives/widows of our brethren of Harmony are our guests, everyone else pays $25, if the widows need transportation, that will be our problem to figure out, not yours. When you call in your lunch selection, please indicate whether you will need travel arrangements to Bro. Jim Hopper. He has graciously agreed to take reservations @ 401 595-4562 or Lunch selections are Cranberry Sage Chicken, Baked Haddock, and Grilled Steak

It just goes by so quickly
