David R. Desplaines
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brothers, the days are finally getting warmer and the days are longer. We can finally go outside in the yard and enjoy the weather. The Covid rules are loosening, and we are almost free to do as we please. It’s been a long road but we are almost there so keep smiling even though people can’t see that you are.
I would like to congratulate our four perpetual Fellowcraft on finally being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. It was a long road, brothers, but we got it done. Congrats to Adam Clement, James Horton, Patrick Bedard, and Jeff Levasseur and hope your looking forward to the rest of you journey.
The Ladies luncheon is going to be in June at Tavolo Wine Bar and Grille on Post Road in Warwick. I am looking forward to being out and about with the Harmony family. The golf tournament and annual picnic are both scheduled for July so mark your calendar and join us for a good time.
Dave Desplaines
Worshipful Master