David R. Desplaines
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brothers, it was great to meet in person for the March meeting and to welcome R:. W:. District Deputy Grand Master Eric Grist and W:. John Kent on their official visitation to Harmony Lodge. It was also nice to see W:. Patrick Connor receive his well–deserved Past Master’s Certificate, as well as the presentation of the gifts for M:. W:. Past Grand Master Ken Poyton on behalf of the Grand Lodge Officers from his year. All in all, it was a great night!
As regulations are being relaxed, we have started moving forward with planning activities. I am in the process of planning a Ladies Luncheon for May or early June. I will send out details when they are finalized.
On May 8th , 2021 we will be having a memorial service at the Lodge for James “Jimmy Jim” Hopper. More details to follow.
We have several applications for candidates, and we will be holding the degrees over the upcoming months. We will be getting a late start this year so I will be reaching out for help with the degrees as it will put more pressure on the officers of Harmony, but we are up to the challenge.
Enjoy the warmer weather and stay safe and healthy.
Dave Desplaines
Worshipful Master