Robert Izzi
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2018 – 2019

Dear Harmony Lodge Family,

Harmony’s Masonic year continues and it is personally hard to believeit is almost June! A busy month of May work and events kept the Officers and fellow brothers on their toes. On Saturday May 4th we conferred the Fellow Craft Degree on our eight newest brothers. The morning ritual was very well attended and we served fifty four brothers and family for the lunch following, it was a great day. Our regular communication on the very next Tuesday of May 7th was our annual DDGM visitation by RW DDGM for the Central District Rick Baccus on his last official visit in the district before he moves on in Grand Line to his next district. We had hoped to award six brothers with their fifty year medals unfortunately none were able to make it to lodge to receive them that evening. I would like to recognize them here: Robert Blythe Jr., Robert Green, George Michailides, Ira Rice, Carl Swanson, and Wayne Wetzel Jr., if you have opportunity to talk with these brothers please join in sharing my sincerest congratulations to them for their most marvelous achievement. Arrangements are being made through Grand Lodge to deliver these medals. In lieu of the ceremony we conducted another rousing Masonic trivia game comprised only of items related to the Fellow Craft degree, kudos to brother Junior Warden and his half of the lodge for the winning display of Masonic knowledge. We also said farewell to Right Worshipful James I. Ogilvie as he completed his tenure as our AGL for the last four years and he served us well and with distinction. I personally cannot thank him enough for his good counsel and quiet direction as we shared the East together these past six months. James I wish you well in your endeavors with Grand Commandery and know that I and the brothers of Harmony will always be here to support you, thank you Brother. We will look forward to June and welcome our new AGL who is well known to us out of Manchester Lodge, Worshipful Jeff Kozlin.

As May continued so did the work of Harmony, on Saturday May 11th we hosted our Spring Ladies luncheon at Lancelotta’s in North Providence., with sixty five people in attendance and thirty four of them women, it was the foundation of a great day, the meal was phenomenal and then we were treated to the voice of Robert Black who sang just about every request made of him and he did it with grace and power, great afternoon. Thank you to brother Worshipful Mickey Torgan and brother Senior Warden Pat Connor for their help with transportation of the ladies that needed assistance. A huge thank you again to Brother Tom Drumm for his meticulous work in taking reservations and arranging transportation, meal choices and special needs for the event. It is a Herculean effort, and disappointingly could not share the day with us and his lady Patricia due to severe illness. He is on the mend and was right back in the work of the lodge joining us for our next weekend of work on Saturday May 18th for our Sick and Infirmed visits. We had fourteen brothers gather for breakfast atAthena’s in Cranston and then back to the lodge for preparation. The brothers teamed up andwent out on twenty visits delivering beautiful Kolancha flowers and homemade coffee breads. Thank you to my hard working, committed lady, Denise Izzi for the three dozen mini breads she baked and beautifully packaged and tagged, it is a nice touch added to what we do on our visits.

Our June meeting will be our annual Past Masters’ Meeting followed by a steak fry courtesyof your officers, who will tend the grill that evening. Please note that the meeting will start at 600pm with dinner to follow once the meeting has concluded. All brothers must attend the meeting, the only brothers excused from the meeting are the line officers. Please come to lodge dressed for the business of the evening and then feel free to get comfortable at the steak fry to share food and fellowship, I must be firm in saying there is no exception to the rule this year. The steak fry is the meal post meeting that is why we are opening earlier. I ask that all brothers please make every effort to attend lodge and support Worshipful Dick Wood and all the past Masters as they fill the officer stations that evening. Cost for dinner is $15 and advanced reservations are required. Steaks will not be guaranteed to those who do not make reservations in advance, so please plan accordingly.

Additional June activities, the MM degree rehearsals and call for cast begin on June 6,11 and 18. The MM degree will be conferred on eight brothers on Saturday, June 22nd 9am with family lunch to follow, so please plan to attend. Your participation directly contributes to the impressions left with candidates during and after the degree.

Finally, as the Lodge prepares to “go dark” for the summer, please plan to participate inseveral activities that are planned; the Harmony Lodge picnic is on Sunday, July 14, and the Harmony Charity golf tournament will be held on Saturday July 20. Further details for these events can be found herein.

I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.

Robert P. Izzi

Worshipful Master